The purpose of this blog is to briefly go over important concepts of periodization when creating a program to reduce the effects of overtraining, increase the effects of progressive overload, and reduce the staleness of current program (in other words keeping the workouts fun/challenging).
Periodization was originally derived from Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) stating systems (aka ENERGY SYSTEMS in our previous blog) will adapt to stressors to meet those stressors demands. With the use of load, sets, and reps we can create our own stressors. These stressors being a wide variety of training like resistance training, speed/endurance work, and agility work within a program. Lastly, programming is planned out over a 12-month period (macrocycle), with 2 subdivisions of altered training modalities over 3-4 months (mesocycles) and 1-4 weeks (microcycles).
Linear periodization is the most simple and predictable because the mesocycles and microcycles only vary depending on what phase the athlete is in (strength, power, or speed). This makes it an advantage for athletes even at the early stages of training. It can be imagined as a step ladder for the athlete. However, a disadvantage for this type of periodization is the maintenance of a previous phase such as transitioning from a strength phase to a power phase.
Table 2:
Linear Periodization
Exercise | Set/rep | Intensity |
Hypertrophy/Endurance | Zone 2 | |
Hang Clean | 4×6 | 55% 1RM |
Back Squat | 3×12 | 70% 1 RM |
Single Leg Deadlift | 3×12 | 70% 1RM |
Strength | Zone 3 | |
Power Clean | 4×3 | 85% 1RM |
Front Squat | 4×6 | 80% 1RM |
Single Leg Deadlift | 4×6 | 80% 1RM |
Ma× Strength/Power | Zone 4 | |
Hang Power Clean | 6×1 | 90% 1RM |
Front Squat | 3×3 | 90% 1RM |
Trap Bar Deadlift | 3×5 | 85% 1RM |
First introduced by Poliquin, non-linear or undulating periodization has become the more favorable form of programming because of the more frequent changes in load, sets, and repetitions. Two of the biggest advantages of this type of periodization is 1) it may lead to better neuromuscular adaptations and 2) it allows for athlete modifications depending on recovery or fatigue. With the advantages does come a few disadvantages as well. 1) Non-linear periodization may not be optimal for learning high skill level movements like the clean or snatch due to its constant adjustments. Lastly, athletes may not optimally adapt to a multi-phase training periodization due to the constant change as well.
Table 3:
Non‐Linear Periodization
Exercise | Sets/reps | Intensity |
Workout 1 | Zone 3 | |
Hang Clean | 3×3 | 80% 1RM |
Back Squat | 4×5 | 80% 1RM |
Workout 2 | Zone 1/2 | |
Hang Snatch | 3×5 | 50% 1RM |
Front Squat | 3×12 | 50% 1RM |
Leg Press | 3×12 | 50% 1RM |
Workout 3 | Zone 2 | |
Deadlift | 3×8 | 70% 1RM |
Back Squat | 3×8 | 70% 1RM |
Leg Press | 3×8 | 70% 1RM |
RM = repetition maximum
The block periodization looks similarly to the linear periodization model but differs because it only focuses on exercises and parameters that are important to the athlete’s sport. It also helps account for within phase maintenance of pervious phases to keep from diminishing work athletes have completed. Block periodization is broken into 3 phases: an accumulation phase, a transmutation phase, and a realization phase. The accumulation phase has higher volume (sets and reps) at lower percentages. During the transmutation phase volume begins to decrease as percentages begin to in increase. Lastly, the realization phase is where the athlete starts peaking using high percentages of their 1RM (>90%). After the realization phase there is a brief period to allow the athlete to recover and start the next block.
Block Periodization ‐ General Structure
Weeks 1‐2: Accumulation Phase. High volume, build work capacity | ||
Week 1 | Sets/reps | Intensity |
Push Press | 3×10 | 50% 1RM |
Back/Front Squats | 3×12 | 50% 1RM |
Leg Press/Hack Squat | 3×12 | 50% 1RM |
Step Ups | 2×12 | |
Lunges | 2×8 ea | |
Week 2 | ||
Push Press | 3×8 | 60% 1RM |
Back/Front Squats | 3×10 | 60% 1RM |
Leg Press/Hack Squat | 3×10 | 60% 1RM |
Trap Bar Deadlift | 3×8 | 60% 1RM |
Week 3‐4: Transmutation Phase. Increased loading | ||
Week 3 | Sets/reps | Intensity |
Hang Clean/Hang Snatch | 3×4 | 75% 1RM |
Back/Front Squat | 3×6 | 80% 1RM |
Deadlift/Trap Bar Deadlift | 3×6 | 80% 1RM |
Week 4 | ||
Back/Front Squats with accommodating resistance | 4×6 | 75% 1RM with bands |
Hang Clean | 4×3 | 85% 1RM |
Week 5: Realization Phase. Peak power. Intensity can be based on sport demands | ||
Hang Clean | 4×2 | 90% 1RM |
Squats (Front or Back) | 4×5 | 90% 1RM – complete as fast as possible |
Alternative Lifts: Deadlifts, Hang Snatch | ||
Week 6: Restoration Phase. Reduced loading to follow high intensity work | ||
Choose several exercises<50% 1RM. Emphasize total body workouts with light loads and high repetitions. | ||
After this 6‐week block, the athlete repeats each phase. |
RM = repetition maximum
All periodization option listed above have a time and place for all athletes alike. Whether you are an athlete that is just starting their first strength program or a seasoned performance coach with multiple teams, you must first ask yourself what are you trying to achieve? It is ultimately up to the coach/athlete to make an informed decision on picking which type of periodization is appropriate for them. This blog is an overview of a scholarly article. If you would like to read more in depth about periodization, then please follow the link within the reference list.